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How to store hose fittings
In some industrial equipment, it is usually necessary to use some pipes. These pipes are generally hoses or some matching joints.
Both hoses and fittings are highly valued in routine applications.

Sometimes, after purchasing a large number of hoses and fittings, it is difficult to meet their usage needs without good maintenance and preservation.
Knowing how to store hoses and fittings is important.
Let’s walk through in detail how to save the High Pressure Flexible Joint custom class.

Avoid direct sunlight on hoses and joints. Long-term direct sunlight will cause surface aging and affect its use.
Try not to place hoses and joints near high-power equipment, and do not place hoses and joints near heat and vibration sources to ensure that their storage locations are at normal temperatures.

The storage environment should be kept cool and dry as much as possible. A humid environment will easily cause bacteria to grow in the hose, and metal joints will be corroded.

Before hoses and fittings can be stored, the various sizes and classes of parts must be clearly sorted and labeled to prevent confusion for future use.

Do not let the hose touch flammable and explosive materials, bypass corrosive solution substances, and avoid corroding the hose and joints.

Do not store hoses and fittings for too long without using them. Generally speaking, the storage time should not exceed 2 years. It is used according to the principle of first in first out, that is, it is saved first and then taken out to reduce the storage time.

The above are some storage points for hoses and joints, which still need to be paid attention to in general use.
With the vast majority of hose and coupling equipment being used in most venues today, it is important to know more about this.
Our manufacturers specialize in the production of various types and models of hose and coupling equipment to meet your diverse needs.